309 research outputs found

    La personalidad del judio en la obra de Martino de Leon

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    Ponencias del I Congreso Internacional sobre Santo Martino en el VIII Centenario de su obra literaria 1185-1985 (Isidoriana. Colectanea de la Catedra de San Isidro, 1)Se analizan las líneas fundamentales que, según Martino de León, definen la personalidad judía. Hay dos momentos en la elaboración de mi trabajo: la encuesta y el análisis de los datos. La encuesta es simplemente bibliográfica, dada la imposibilidad total de poner en práctica la observación directa y participada. A través del análisis traté de poner en relación unos con otros, los datos entresacados de la lectura de las obras del autor, para descubrir una serie de convergencias que permiten apreciar las grandes constelaciones de imágenes, más o menos constantes, que caracterizan la personalidad judía. El desarrollo del trabajo es discursivo y tiene un comienzo lógico; esto no quiere decir que lo primero metodológicamente, lo sea también ontológicamente.Peer reviewe

    Социальные и демографические проблемы развития армянского социума Нагорного Карабаха в Советском Азербайджане

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    Рассматриваются социальные и демографические проблемы развития армянского социума Нагорно-Карабахской автономной области в составе Азербайджанской ССР (1923-1988 гг.) ставшие причинами возникновения межэтнического конфликта в 80-х - 90-х гг. XX в

    Social determinants of songbird vocal activity and implications for the persistence of small populations

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    Conspecific attraction is an important aspect of animal behaviour and several avian studies have shown that vocalizations may be used as an inadvertent cue to locate areas of suitable habitat. By studying the metapopulation system of a territorial passerine, the Dupont's lark Chersophilus duponti, we analysed the demographic correlates of population vocal activity, and the relationships between the occurrence of immigration and the availability of social information (e.g. vocal activity, population size, density and productivity) in 22 local populations. We found that the proportion of active singing days in spring and territorial call advertisement after breeding were positively related to the number of males within local populations. In turn, the intensity of vocal activity was associated with the likelihood of receiving immigrants, better explaining immigration than other kinds of social or public information. Because of depressed signalling, small local populations could experience reduced rescuing from others, thus compromising population persistence. In such cases, habitat management alone may not be enough to overcome this behavioural constraint. Because we found that the occurrence of inter-patch movements also depended on the size of nearby local populations, understanding regional processes may be as important as controlling social and environmental factors for the maintenance of small populations. © Journal compilation © 2008 The Zoological Society of London.Peer Reviewe

    SNA-Based Recommendation in Professional Learning Environments

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    Recommender systems can provide effective means to support self-organization and networking in professional learning environments. In this paper, we leverage social network analysis (SNA) methods to improve interest-based recommendation in professional learning networks. We discuss two approaches for interest-based recommendation using SNA and compare them with conventional collaborative filtering (CF)-based recommendation methods. The user evaluation results based on the ResQue framework confirm that SNA-based CF recommendation outperform traditional CF methods in terms of coverage and thus can provide an effective solution to the sparsity and cold start problems in recommender systems

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa defense systems against microbicidal oxidants

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139121/1/mmi13768_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139121/2/mmi13768-sup-0004-suppinfo4.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139121/3/mmi13768.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139121/4/mmi13768-sup-0001-suppinfo1.pd

    Análisis de clúster de perspectivas de participantes en MOOC

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    Els cursos en línia massius i oberts (Massive Open Online Courses, MOOC) proporcionen oportunitats il·limitades per a la participació de milers d’estudiants en cursos d’ensenyament superior en línia. Els MOOC tenen característiques úniques que els converteixen en un mètode efectiu de l’aprenentatge electrònic, en concret l’aprenentatge millorat per tecnologia (Technology-Enhanced Learning, TEL). Nombroses institucions ofereixen una creixent varietat de MOOC. No obstant això, existeixen múltiples reptes que han ser considerats en desenvolupar MOOC, per exemple, la taxa d’abandonament de participants en els cursos és del 95%. Una de les possibles raons és la complexitat i la diversitat dels participants en els MOOC. Aquesta diversitat no està només relacionada amb el perfil demogràfic i cultural, sinó també amb els diversos motius i perspectives que els usuaris tenen en inscriure’s en MOOC. La intenció d’aquest article és agrupar en clústers els objectius dels participants en MOOC i analitzar-los per aconseguir una millor comprensió dels seus comportaments. El principal resultat és el descobriment de vuit clústers: aprenentatge mesclat (blended learning), flexibilitat (flexibility), contingut d’alta qualitat (high quality content), disseny instruccional i metodologies d’aprenentatge (instructional design & learning methodologies), aprenentatge al llarg de la vida (lifelong learning), aprenentatge en xarxa (network learning), obertura (openness) i aprenentatge centrat en l’estudiant (student-centered learning). Aquest esquema d’agrupament en clústers crea una visió significativa per a la comunitat de participants en MOOC.Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are providing opportunities for thousands of learners to participate in free higher education courses online. MOOCs have unique features that make them an effective Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) approach. Institutions are offering a growing variety of MOOCs. Nevertheless, there are several crucial challenges that should be considered in the development of MOOCs, e.g., the drop-out rate of over 95% of course participants. One of the potential reasons for that is the complexity and diversity of MOOC participants. This diversity is not only related to the cultural and demographic profile, but also considers the diverse motives and perspectives when enrolled in MOOCs. This paper aims to cluster and analyze the different objectives of MOOC stakeholders to build a deeper and better understanding of their behaviors. Our main finding was a set of eight clusters, i.e., blended learning, flexibility, high quality content, instructional design and learning methodologies, lifelong learning, network learning, openness, and student-centered learning. This cluster schema creates a meaningful picture for the MOOC community.Los cursos en línea masivos y abiertos (Massive Open Online Courses, MOOC) proporcionan oportunidades ilimitadas para la participación de miles de estudiantes en cursos de enseñanza superior en línea. Los MOOC tienen características únicas que los convierten en un método efectivo del aprendizaje electrónico, en concreto el aprendizaje mejorado por tecnología (Technology-Enhanced Learning, TEL). Numerosas instituciones ofrecen una creciente variedad de MOOC. Sin embargo, existen múltiples retos que deben ser considerados al desarrollar MOOC, por ejemplo, la tasa de abandono de participantes en los cursos es del 95%. Una de las posible razones para ello es la complejidad y la diversidad de los participantes en los MOOC. Esta diversidad no está solamente relacionada con el perfil demográfico y cultural, sino también con los diversos motivos y perspectivas que los usuarios tienen al inscribirse en MOOC. La intención de este artículo es agrupar en clústeres los objetivos de los participantes en MOOC y analizarlos para lograr una mayor comprensión de sus comportamientos. El principal resultado es el descubrimiento de ocho clústeres: aprendizaje mezclado (blended learning), flexibilidad (flexibility), contenido de alta calidad (high quality content), diseño instruccional y metodologías de aprendizaje (instructional design & learning methodologies), aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida (lifelong learning), aprendizaje en red (network learning), apertura (openness) y aprendizaje centrado en el estudiante (student-centered learning). Este esquema de agrupamiento en clústeres crea una visión significativa para la comunidad de participantes en MOOC

    Application of Bifidobacteria as Starter Culture in Whole Wheat Sourdough Breadmaking

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    11 pages, 4 tables, 2 figures.-- Published online: 3 March 2011.-- The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comThis investigation is aimed at developing a new cereal-based product, with increased nutritional quality, by using Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum ATCC 27919 as starter in whole wheat sourdough fermentation and evaluating its performance. Four different sourdough levels (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% on flour basis) in bread dough formulation were analysed. The effects of the use of bifidobacteria in sourdough bread were comparatively evaluated with controls (yeast and/or chemically acidified sourdough with antibiotics). The sourdough and dough fermentative parameters analysed were pH, total titratable acidity, d/l-lactic and acetic acids. Bread performance was evaluated by specific volume, slice shape, crumb structure and firmness, crust and crumb colour, pH, total titratable acidity, and d/l-lactic and acetic acids, phytate, and lower myo-inositol phosphate contents. The sourdough breads showed similar technological quality to the control sample, with the exception of specific bread volume (decreased from 2.46 to 2.22 mL/g) and crumb firmness (increased from 2.61 to 3.18 N). Sourdough inoculated with bifidobacteria significantly increased the levels of organic acids in fermented dough and bread. The Bifidobacterium strain contributed to the fermentation process, increasing phytate hydrolysis during fermentation owing to the activation of endogenous cereal phytase and its own phytase, resulting in bread with significantly lower phytate levels (from 7.62 to 1.45 μmol/g of bread in dry matter). The inclusion of sourdough inoculated with bifidobacteria made possible the formulation of whole wheat bread with positive changes in starch thermal properties and a delay and decrease in amylopectin retrogradation.This work was financially supported by grants AGL2006-09613/ALI, CSIC-200870I229, and Consolider Fun-C-Food CSD2007-00063 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN). The scholarship of J.M. Sanz Penella and the contract of J.A. Tamayo Ramos from MICINN are greatly acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    SPRING: speech and pronunciation improvement through games, for Hispanic children

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    Lack of proper English pronunciations is a major problem for immigrant population in developed countries like U.S. This poses various problems, including a barrier to entry into mainstream society. This paper presents a research study that explores the use of speech technologies merged with activity-based and arcade-based games to do pronunciation feedback for Hispanic children within the U.S. A 3-month long study with immigrant population in California was used to investigate and analyze the effectiveness of computer aided pronunciation feedback through games. In addition to quantitative findings that point to statistically significant gains in pronunciation quality, the paper also explores qualitative findings, interaction patterns and challenges faced by the researchers in dealing with this community. It also describes the issues involved in dealing with pronunciation as a competency.Comment: ACM ICTD 201